David Scott King

In Junior High, music was the fastest way for me to make new friends, as well as avoid being drafted into the “wrong crowd”. Learning how to play several instruments (guitar & piano) enabled me to reach a level of self-confidence that I could never have acheived otherwise.
In High School, after moving here to St. Louis, music was my ally in building a new life for myself, as opportunities abounded within various musical courses – Jazz Band, Pep Band, Music Theory, and Music Appreciation. Sadly, so few of these options are still available to children and young adults these days.
That is why MASTERS OF HAIR METAL has aligned itself with Play it Forward. Several of us have children, ranging from infant to teenager, and it is very important to us collectively that Music Education. Appreciation, and Performance remain a constant to all St. Louis school systems. We’d like to see the slogan change to FOUR R’s… Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmatic, and ROCK & ROLL!
David Scott King
Lead Vocalist / Guitarist Masters of Hair Metal