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We especially like that PIF doesn’t “discriminate” against musical styles: the organization is working to get guitars and drum kits in the hands of kids just as hard as it does to see that economically disadvantaged school gets those 29 violins for their classical music program.
Being fortunate enough to be in a working jazz/standards/swing/blues band, we are all grateful for what music has meant in our lives. Beyond us, the studies of the last two decades has established that a music education program enhances a child’s ability to perform in the classroom, and perhaps even more importantly, learn team building skills that he or she will use the rest of their lives.
Oh, and it’s awesome fun.
Please support PIF in any and everyway: If you have that trumpet gathering dust in your closet for 15 years, if your new drum set as made your old one obsolete, if you want to give a few dollars to a local grass roots organization that is really making a different in the place you call home, please give.
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